Friday, 16 March 2012

Why you should commission your own survey

The first point to remember is that the purpose of the report commissioned by your bank (the lender) is to advise them of the value of the property and any characteristics of the property (including significant defects) which might affect its value as security for the proposed loan. It is not a survey.

This should not be confused with a proper survey. The report is very much a pro-forma in style and is usually only two to three pages in length. So as a buyer you will be unwise to rely solely on the contents of this report. Instead we recommend you commission a Homebuyers Survey and Valuation Report or a full Building Survey for yourself.
Your house purchase is likely to be the biggest single personal investment of your life and not to have it properly checked out before you exchange is a false economy.
 Great Western Surveys Limited (01249) 892023